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The Importance of Professional Family Photographs

family photography

What are professional family photographs? Why, they’re proof of life’s greatest treasures, and treasures in themselves!

How many do you have in your house? (And how many are from this year?)

It’s settled, then. You need more professional photos in your life.

Still need convincing? Okay, then, keep reading.

Below are the biggest reasons why professional family photos are extremely important. Read, learn, apply.

Or live a sad, empty life. You’ve been warned.

Proof of Purpose

Does it matter that your child lost their first tooth or won their first trophy? Prove it!

Sadly, these days, our memories and milestones are becoming more and more disposable. Too often, when life’s important little moments come along, they receive only fleeting recognition.

Specifically, they become little more than a Facebook post, instantly celebrated but soon forgotten. Then, they’re logged away and lost among thousands of meaningless digital images backed up from your cell phone camera.

And how does that honor those who made this memory? It’s a sad day when a child scans the empty walls of his house and realizes there’s no proof or recognition of anything he’s ever accomplished.

Alternatively, professional photos prevent your precious family memories from ending up like the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It provides tangible, heartwarming, reassuring proof of significance (in a frame on your wall), bestowing honor where honor is due.

A Tangible Treasure

And yes, the photo will go up.

Think about it. You wouldn’t purchase a professional photo and then go home and hide it in a box forever, right?

Of course you wouldn’t! You wouldn’t even think about it.

And why not? Well, for starters, you paid good money for it. If you wanted to not care, you could have done that for free.

Second, it’s a superior-quality image that’s physically printed on fragile paper. Not only will you want to display it, you’ll want to protect it, too. Putting it in a frame or photo book is a great way to do that.

Preventing Self-Robotification

Robotification is another modern trend that keeps crowding out the important things in life. AI and other types of automation are becoming increasingly prominent in our lives.

Soon, we settle into our auto-piloted lives and cruise on, aimlessly and obliviously. As we increasingly surrender life’s tasks to the robots, letting them live our lives for us, we become like robots ourselves!


Okay, that may be a little bit over-the-top. Cheesy sci-fi conspiracy theories aside, though, a life we never stop to appreciate is robotic and pointless.

Professional family photos can help. By framing your family’s most important moments on your wall, you’ll probably take notice of them once in a while. Then, you can take a moment to remember the good things in life.

Or, flip through the whole album and reminisce. After all, we both know you’re not going to do this with the 5,000+ images you took with your phone camera. (And that’s because we also know they’re mostly selfies, food, and sunsets anyway.)

Do You Have Enough Professional Family Photographs?

Professional family photos celebrate, and remind us of, what’s truly important in life. Enrich your life with professional family photographs.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us today!